Greater Washington Federal Workforce Resource and Support Guide

The Greater Washington Board of Trade has launched a Federal Workforce Resource & Support Guide to assist regional professionals affected by federal layoffs. This guide provides valuable resources, job transition support, and networking opportunities to help impacted workers navigate career changes and connect with new opportunities in the region’s dynamic economy.

Below is a look at upcoming job fairs and a variety of resource links from localities in the region that can help workers facing layoffs.

Upcoming Federal Workforce Job Fair Opportunities

March 13 – City of Alexandria: Transferable Skills Workshop | Thriving Beyond the Federal Workforce

Losing a job can be overwhelming, but your skills remain valuable! This workshop is designed to help former federal employees identify their transferable skills, build emotional resilience, and take proactive steps toward their next career opportunity.

Learn more & Register:

March 14 – DC Government Federal Hiring Event

On March 14th, the District Government will host an exclusive Hiring Event for individuals affected by federal layoffs. More information on participating employers, DC Government benefits, unemployment resources, and additional support can be found at Attendance is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

March 18 – Loudoun JobFair for Public Service Opportunities

Over 20 + employers from various public service organizations will be available to speak with you and answer your employment related questions. Register now for email updates and reminders with the latest on employer attendance and possible event delays or cancellations around inclement weather.

Register Here:

Job Transition & Unemployment Federal Workforce Resources

A variety of government officials at the state, county, and city level are providing resources that are helping federal workers in Greater Washington. These links are a valuable resource for residents, government employees, active military personnel and veterans, contractors, nonprofits, and businesses to navigate current and future challenges related to federal service changes, disruptions, or policy actions.

State/District Resource Pages



Washington D.C.

City & County Resrouce Pages


Alexandria, Va. 

Arlington County, Va. 

Fairfax County, Va.

Loudoun County, Va.

Prince William County, Va. 


Charles County, Md. 

Frederick County, Md.

Howard County, Md. 

Montgomery County, Md. 

Prince George’s County, Md. 

Health & Wellness Federal Workforce Resources

As the current federal administration continues downsizing the its government workforce, affected employees will need to make crucial decisions regarding their healthcare coverage once their employment ends. Our partner and member WTOP spoke with officials that understand the complexities of healthcare coverage.

Read more and use helpful links from WTOP here:

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or chat live at



The Greater Washington Board of Trade, founded in 1889, is the region’s premier non-partisan business organization representing industry, nonprofits, universities, and government agencies. The Board of Trade addresses complex and always-evolving business concerns that stretch across the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia, with a priority focus on inclusive economic growth, improving the business climate, and enhancing the region’s economic competitiveness.