TD Bank Morning Star: Lessons in Resilience

TD Bank Morning Star: Lessons in Resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged small businesses across the country to be resourceful and innovative. In this webinar, a panel of small business owners describe how they successfully led their companies through the turbulence. The discussion is sure to inspire new ideas for how you can make your company more resilient and creative.

• Dion Haynes, Editor, The Washington Post

• Andrew Fetterolf, CEO, Jenkins Restorations
• Mitch Weintraub, Managing Partner, Cordia Partners
• Derek Wood, Managing Principal, Fox Architects

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Read the Summary

Early Challenges

Each of the panelists faced unique challenges.

Jenkins Restorations has to go into people’s homes to perform restoration construction. At the beginning of the pandemic, customers began voicing concerns about having workers in their homes. Some of his workers were also uncomfortable with the situation and resigned over the course of the pandemic. For example, one of his workers had an elderly grandmother living with him and could not continue to put himself at risk of being a vector for the disease.

Most of the workers at Fox Architects could do much of their design and architecture work at home but working creatively and collaboratively from home can be a challenge. They also have frequent meetings on construction sites. They had to rethink how they held those meetings to minimize transmission risk. Derek Wood, Managing Principal of Fox Architects, said that he started observing employees question their career ambitions around the fall, and some decided to pivot.

Cordia Partners, an accounting firm, was fortunately able to have most employees work from home but faced typical challenges around keeping workers engaged and continuing to provide top-notch customer service.

Opportunities to Innovate

Though the pandemic has dramatically accelerated the remote work trend, it has created new opportunities for Fox Architects to develop innovative designs for the workplace of tomorrow.

Cordia Partners saw more customers asking them for help developing cloud-based bill pay systems in the pandemic.

Jenkins Restorations began offering decontamination services. Their first customer was a Costco which had an outbreak, and from there they began serving other stores like Wawa. This service hinged on quick deployment—getting staff out to a site in two hours or less.

Ongoing Challenges

Constant remote work has led to what several panelists described as “fray” in employee collaboration and engagement, as well as isolation and mental health challenges. Derek Wood said that Fox Architects has been bringing vaccinated employees together for meetings to give them a chance to connect and rebuild lost energy. The business leaders on the panel also described the importance of senior leaders making an effort to check in with employees directly to identify ways to better meet their needs.

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A COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ for Business Owners and Managers

Michael Akin is President of LINK Strategic Partners and Ashley Desing is Director of Strategic Programs at the Greater Washington Board of Trade.

Since early 2021, the Board of Trade’s COVID-19 Vaccine Information Task Force, comprised of over 30 leaders who are on the front lines of our region’s public health and economic response to the pandemic, have collaborated around ways to boost vaccination rates across the region and expedite our economic recovery.

We all agree that a well-informed, proactive, and coordinated business community is critical to overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. It may feel like the pandemic is already over for some, but the region has still not reached herd immunity, and new variants of the virus could cause new spikes in transmission come fall and winter. The region is making good progress, but it is important that the business community continues to take an active role in encouraging all eligible workers to get vaccinated so that we can continue moving forward toward an inclusive economic recovery.

One part of this strategy, which we began implementing in April, has been to give business owners and managers the information they need to set workplace policies and talk to their employees about the COVID-19 vaccine. This effort was especially intended for mid-sized and small businesses that may not have in-house capacity to sort through these legal and public health issues on their own.

Working with Chambers of Commerce across the region, we hosted a series of virtual town hall events. Experts presented information and business managers asked questions. These events were recorded and can be viewed on our website.

Below are a few of the top questions and answers. We hope they are useful to any managers who are still determining their workplace policies or just need a little help talking to their teams.

Note: For the latest information on vaccine efficacy and other public health guidance visit the CDC website

Can an employer require employees to receive the Covid-19 vaccine?

Yes, unless your workers are unionized, in which collective barging agreements should be consulted.

Employers should be aware that employees are legally able to bypass a vaccination requirement if they have a sincerely held religious belief or a medical disability that prevents them from doing so. Employers should consider the costs and benefits of such a policy since it may invite these challenges from some employees.

We also recommend that employers read this article from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for more detail.

Can an employer ask if an employee has been vaccinated and/or require proof of vaccination?

Yes, but this information must be held confidential like any other medical information.

How should employers handle employees who do not want to get the vaccination?

The best approach is to first have a discussion with that employee to find out why they are resistant, and to direct them to helpful information that may address their concerns.  If they have a problematic medical condition or a sincerely held religious belief, they must be excused from a workplace vaccination policy. But they may simply have unanswered questions or misinformation that can be corrected by providing better information.

Can employees be terminated for refusing to get the vaccine?

It may be legal, but it may not be prudent. It is better to talk to them first. Termination should be the last resort.

Can private businesses require customers to show proof of vaccination or wear masks?

In the DMV and most of the United States, yes. There are laws against this in Texas and other states are considering similar legislation.

What liability considerations should employers be thinking about with regard to employees or customers who contract COVID in a business setting?

It is difficult to prove how someone contracted COVID, so it may be difficult for a worker to prove that the employer is liable for their illness. However, employers can protect themselves by being sure they are in full compliance of federal, state, and local regulations and requirements on COVID-19.

Everyone has a workers compensation policy and carrier, so if an employee gets sick, contact your workers compensation insurance provider right away.

Can I tell employees if a co-worker has tested positive for COVID?

You cannot name an employee who has COVID-19. But you can share that an infection has taken place and trigger the contact tracing process in your jurisdiction.

Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees who test positive for COVID or are exposed?

There is no federal law requiring this. DC has an unpaid leave law. Maryland passed the Essential Workers’ Protection Act, which requires companies to provide paid leave during a public health emergency. But that requirement will only be enforced when funding becomes available to help companies pay for it, which is not the case currently.

How should employers bring workers back to the office?

Employers should take some time to assess the differences among their workers. Some may truly need to return to the office to fulfill their duties, and some do not. Some may wish to return to the office, and some may not—some may even have unique circumstances that make a return to work especially perilous or difficult. Treating all employees as a monolith may create unnecessary workforce disruptions. To the extent possible, it is best to be flexible and treat workers as individual cases. It is often not necessary to bring all employees back to the office at the same time.

Can you have only vaccinated people back in the office?

This is a risky move because it creates scenarios where some employees who might have valid reason to not return to the office yet and/or a qualified vaccine exemption may feel they are disadvantaged by not having opportunities to connect with leaders and colleagues face-to-face.

For answers to other questions, especially those that come up in a conversation with employees, be sure to check the Public Health Communications Collaborative’s Answers to Tough Questions About Public Health.

We’d like to especially thank the members of the Vaccine Task Force, the regional Chambers of Commerce, and the following experts for making these town hall’s a success:

  • Councilmember Andrew Friedson, Montgomery County
  • Reggie Jones, Managing Partner, DC Office, Fox Rothschild
  • Mike Neary, Shareholder, Lerch, Early & Brewer
  • Kerry Richard, Vice President & Senior Deputy General Counsel, MedStar Health
  • Dr. Christina A. Stasiuk, DO, FACOI, Senior Medical Director, Cigna Mid-Atlantic
  • Dr. Stephen Thomas, Director, Center for Health Equity, University of Maryland
  • Chuck Walters, Senior Counsel, Labor & Employment, Kaiser Permanente
  • Dr. Glenn W. Wortmann, Section Director of Infectious Diseases, MedStar Washington Hospital Center and Medical Director of Infection Prevention, MedStar Institute of Quality and Safety
  • Dr. Darren Young, DO, MHSA, Department of Adult and Family Medicine, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente

After 20 Years of Service, A Wider Circle Remains Committed to Ending Poverty

This content is presented by
Amy Javaid is the Interim President & CEO for A Wider Circle

Several years ago, when he needed help finding work, Joe* enrolled in A Wider Circle’s Workforce Development Boot Camp. After graduating from the Boot Camp, the organization provided him with professional clothing, assigned him a volunteer Job Coach, and he set out into the job market. Joe had faced many struggles in his life but was confident in the path ahead.

As time passed, Joe would periodically call, email, or stop by A Wider Circle. Whenever he shared his successes or challenges, Joe noted how when he needed a boost, support, or connection, he would reach out. Today, Joe has his own apartment and steady employment, and recently came back for another step in his journey: to receive the furniture needed to set up his home.

For Joe and others like him, A Wider Circle’s work is not about a particular program, service, or product. It is about human connection and a community that is supportive for as long as it is requested. We are always here for Joe and thousands like him for each step of their journey. We seek for Joe what we seek for our own family — a chance, a path, and an opportunity.

Joe’s Workforce Development Boot Camp graduation

Everyone is welcome at A Wider Circle. Compassion, dignity, and an emphasis on building human connection are at the core of how we serve. We meet each of our clients where they are — identifying challenges, providing comprehensive support, and pursuing solutions together.

“I stayed in the whole day, just walking around happy.”
Ray, a formerly homeless veteran, after moving into his new apartment, furnished by A Wider Circle

While the past year has been one of both challenge and opportunity, through it all, the hallmark of our programming has remained our holistic approach. This method allows us to serve as a trusted resource for our clients, many of whom were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, our ability to respond quickly and effectively to emerging needs enabled us to offer impactful services that supported the social safety net of the entire region.

A Wider Circle’s Neighborhood Partnerships Program provides comprehensive services and programming to under-resourced neighborhoods. During the pandemic, this has included delivery of groceries, fresh meals, and facemasks to families living in Southeast DC.

Now in our 20th year of service, we hold fast to our unyielding commitment to service and pathways out of poverty for those we serve. We will continue to stand with neighbors like Joe, day after day, year after year, until everyone in our region can live free from barriers to self-sufficiency.

*Name has been changed

Hear Amy Javaid on WTOP

About A Wider Circle

At A Wider Circle, our mission is to end poverty.

Through our holistic approach we:

  • Create stable homes, providing families with furniture, beds, and essentials
  • Work with job seekers so they can attain stable, substantive employment
  • Bring much-needed services and programs directly to under-resourced neighborhoods

Since 2001, we have provided vital services to more than 270,000 children and adults in the Greater Washington region. Now in our 20th year, as those we serve continue to face added challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis, A Wider Circle remains steadfast in our commitment to helping those with the greatest need.

But we cannot do this work alone. Get involved today and help us end poverty. Learn more at

Five Ways Corporate Leaders Can Improve Racial and Social Equity

Between February and June 2021, the Board of Trade worked with its members and friends in the DMV to produce a series of webinars exploring the causes of the region’s troubling racial and social inequities and solutions that employers and corporate leaders can implement. The series included guest speakers from the private sector, academia, local government, healthcare, and the nonprofit world. Their diverse perspectives created a rich discussion with many nuggets of wisdom and practical tips.

Below are five of the most salient lessons to emerge from the series.

Put Structure, Resources, and Accountability Around DEI

Many corporate leaders are feeling a more urgent need to build out their company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiative. Several speakers throughout the series emphasized the need to treat the DEI function like any other business-critical function. It should collect and track data, have accountability metrics and strong governance, and be embedded in the company’s operations rather than sidelined into a separate corporate social responsibility (CSR) function.

Ken Jenkins of NFP advised that the most the most critical step is to define the relationship between the DEI advisory board and the executive leadership team. The company should decide if the DEI advisory board is a recommending body or a decision-making body, and how changes will be reviewed and implemented. Establishing a strong structure ahead of time ensures that DEI efforts are fully supported by the organization. Here’s Ken’s explanation:

Learn more about how companies are bolstering their DEI efforts by watching our webinar, Understanding the Opportunity Divide and its Impact on Corporate America.

Rethink Your Talent Pipeline

One of the most powerful ways that organizations can drive racial and social equity in their communities is through employment. If your workforce does not look like the community in which you operate, that may be a red flag that your hiring practices are excluding certain demographics—and potentially overlooking valuable talent.

Grads of Life, a national expert in helping companies develop inclusive talent management strategies, educated webinar participants on the “Opportunity Divide,” which impacts individuals and employers. On one side of the divide are individuals with valuable skills and the desire to work, but who do not have traditional career pathways. These individuals are called “Opportunity Talent” and include young people not in higher education, people with disabilities, or the formerly incarcerated. On the other side of the divide are employers who have roles, typically “middle-skill” roles, that they struggle to fill.

Hiring Opportunity Talent means being more open-minded about how a person’s life experiences give them strengths and skills that can benefit your company. This video produced by Grads of Life illustrates what it means to engage Opportunity Talent.

Zuzana Steen, Academic and Community Relations Senior Manager at Micron Technology, and Camille John, D&I Enterprise Head of Underrepresented Ethnic Talent Strategy and Bank of America, share how they partner with community organizations like Year Up to source and develop Opportunity Talent:

Watch our webinar Opportunity Talent and the Value of Investment for a deep dive on this practice, including an overview of the six Opportunity Employment principles.

Leverage Employee Benefit Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that employees’ health is of material importance to business. What many business leaders may not realize is that there are longstanding differences in how our society and healthcare system impact people’s health depending on their race, gender, English fluency, and other variables. These “social determinants of health” are the reason why we observed much higher rates of COVID-19 hospitalization and fatality among communities of color.

Just like employing a diverse workforce can be a powerful tool for building racial and social equity, providing robust healthcare benefits can be a powerful tool for building health equity. Anita Jenkins, Chief Executive Officer of Howard University Hospital, and Dr. Yele Aluko, Chief Medical Officer for EY Americas, offered several tips for employers to maximize a positive outcome for employees of color.

First, make sure it is easy for employees to navigate their healthcare benefits and to take advantage of employee wellness programs. Incentivize the usage of those programs and treat it as part of the core operations of the business. Second, take a step back. There has been a lot of reactivity to COVID-19 but smart employers will develop more comprehensive strategies that enhance awareness, health literacy, and workforce resilience in an equitable manner. Third, do not forget behavioral health. People are still dealing with a lot of anxiety and fear related to the pandemic and its consequences. Make sure employees have mental healthcare resources and know how and why to use them. Lastly, be honest about the presence of racism and proactively work to dismantle its drivers, without defensiveness.

Watch Dr. Christina Stasiuk, Senior Medical Director for Cigna, ask Anita Jenkins and Dr. Yele Aluko about how employers should respond to health equities below, taken from our webinar Achieving Health Equity.

Help Close the Digital Divide

The “digital divide” describes how some members of our community have access to digital technology and internet connectivity, and others do not. Since access to the internet helps us learn, work, socialize, and shop, unequal access is both a social equity issue and an anchor on our economic growth.

The consequences of the digital divide were made more severe by the COVID-19 pandemic, when life hinged on internet connectivity. But even after the pandemic subsides, the consequences will continue to worsen, since companies are increasingly turning to digital platforms and away from brick-and-mortar stores. Workers and consumers who are not digitally literate or do not have digital access will be left behind.

Watch Kevin Brown, Principal of the Digital Transformation and Intelligent Automation Practice at EY, describe this shift here:

Many companies in the telecommunications space, such as Comcast, have programs designed to help low-income individuals access the internet. Local governments also have special initiatives for this purpose; for example, the District of Columbia provided every public-school child with a computer and an internet hotspot during the pandemic. The federal government has also launched a program to subsidize internet access for low-income families.

Companies should support these efforts and look for ways to bring them to the next level. Closing the digital divide is a “rising tide that lifts all boats” and is key to our region’s economic competitiveness.

Watch the full webinar, The Digital Divide and Our Economic Competitiveness, for more insights.

Form Long-term, Productive Relationships with Philanthropic Beneficiaries

Many companies seek to improve racial and social equity in their communities by philanthropically supporting nonprofit organizations and community development projects. While this is important, the company’s effort should not stop when the check is cashed. The biggest impact is achieved when companies pair their donations with pro-bono business services and stay engaged for multiple years at a time. This long-term, productive relationship helps nonprofit organizations to achieve deeper and more lasting mission outcomes while building their organizational capacity.

Watch Christine Hoisington, Head of Community Impact + Philanthropy and Executive Director of the Booz Allen Foundation and Shelley Sylva, SVP and Head of Social Impact at TD Bank, explain how they approach capacity building with their nonprofit beneficiaries:

For more insights, watch the full webinar Your Organization and Your Community.


The Racal and Social Equity Series was made possible by the generous support of the following Board of Trade member companies:

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Program Partner

Your Organization and Your Community

In communities struggling with racial, social, and economic division, there are likely active community-level organizations working hard to build bridges and opportunity. Can you identify those groups in your surrounding community and do you know how to support them? Is your corporate giving strategy aligned with your organization’s diversity and inclusion commitments? How else can you use your capabilities to support social justice movements at critical junctures? Watch this session to explore these questions and more, and to learn how you can leverage the influence of your organization to serve your community on its journey towards greater equity.

Moderator: Jack McDougle, President and CEO, Greater Washington Board of Trade


  • Christine Hoisington, Head of Community Impact + Philanthropy and Executive Director, Booz Allen Foundation
  • Shelley Sylva, SVP and Head of Social Impact, TD Bank

Webinar Recording


  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is changing for many companies, particularly as it relates to racial equity issues. Shelly Sylva at TD Bank pointed out that companies are now more likely to go beyond expressing empathy for Black and Brown communities and take tangible action to benefit those communities. There is an increased willingness to focus on the needs of Black communities and to have uncomfortable conversations that many people have traditionally avoided. Christine Hoisington from Booz Allen Foundation added that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and CSR have become more integrated into how businesses operate, rather than being sidelined into an independent department.
  • Shelley Sylva explained that TD Bank has organized its CSR efforts around the “three C’s”: colleagues, community, and customers. Leaders and employees are asked to examine how the bank’s capabilities can benefit people in these three categories. This integrates the bank’s core business function into its CSR efforts.
  • One important lesson learned during the COVID-19 pandemic is that speed is critical in a crisis. Shelley Sylva explained that TD Bank’s existing CSR framework and partnerships allowed it to deliver help quickly.
  • Partner nonprofit organizations need philanthropic support, but the best partnerships go beyond giving and include capacity-building activities and pro-bono work as well. Booz Allen has a large employee pro-bono program to provide business assistance to nonprofit partners and keep their employees engaged in their CSR efforts. Shelley Sylva from TD Bank added that multi-year support is also important; nonprofits need long-term stability to make real change and build their own capacity.

About the Racial & Social Equity Webinar Series

The Greater Washington Board of Trade’s Racial and Social Equity Webinar Series will provide business leaders across the region the knowledge and tools they need to build more diverse, inclusive, and equitable organizations. It will help leaders identify drivers of inequity and injustice and take concrete steps towards being agents of positive change.

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Program Partner

Washington Gas Shares a Roadmap to DC’s Low Carbon Future

This content is presented by Washington Gas
Blue Jenkins, President of Washington Gas

Washington Gas has grown together with the District of Columbia for more than 170 years as an essential energy provider. We are entering a new chapter in our hometown’s ambitious journey toward a clean energy future.   

In December 2017, Mayor Bowser announced the District’s Commitment to reduce carbon emissions 50 percent by 2032 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. 

Last year, Washington Gas filed an innovative, comprehensive Climate Business Plan to do our part to reduce carbon equivalent emissions associated with natural gas use in line with DC’s targets. The Environmental Defense Fund praised the plan, stating in a regulatory filing, “this broad, system-wide thinking is critical to maximize emissions reductions.” 

Today, we’re focusing on modernizing our infrastructure, increasing energy efficiency in our customer’s homes and offices, and including carbon neutral fuels like renewable natural gas (RNG) and hydrogen in our energy mix.

Hear Blue Jenkins on WTOP

Washington Gas continues to invest in our infrastructure and expand our capability to meet the needs of our region. Through accelerated pipeline replacement programs, we maintain a safe, reliable and modern energy delivery system while also delivering environmental benefits. So far approximately 400,000 metric tons of greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions have been reduced with this work. And we have more to do. Investment in critical pipeline infrastructure enables us to reduce emissions today and prepare the system to deliver tomorrow’s lower/no carbon gaseous fuels like hydrogen.   

The natural gas infrastructure has unmatched reliability – it is less vulnerable to interruptions, especially during the winter when heating can be a matter of health and safety. In addition, it comes with “built-in” energy storage. Unlike electricity, which cannot be easily stored without big, expensive batteries, the natural gas system stores energy for days, weeks, months, and years with on-demand delivery. 

We’re also building on our already successful energy efficiency programs and continuing to empower customers to save energy, as well as deploying new technologies like super-efficient and ‘smart’ appliances. It’s important to empower our customers to make smart energy choices that meet their needs and their budgets.   

Finally, our plans include harnessing new and emerging fuels. Our system is remarkably versatile. Our existing infrastructure can deliver low-to-no carbon fuels such as clean-certified gas, renewable natural gas (RNG) and green hydrogen, to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We can meet DC’s climate goals and still save money. For the Climate Business Plan, the widely respected consulting firm ICF determined our plan saves an estimated $2.7 billion compared to approaches to decarbonization that rely solely on electrification, saving District ratepayers thousands of dollars per household.

As part of our commitment to our plan, twice a year we hold community meetings to provide updates, report on our progress, listen to the community and present new ideas with the help of industry experts. We encourage the public to join us and learn about the latest developments on our plan as we all work together to achieve a cleaner energy future. Our next virtual meeting will be on July 14 and will explore RNG.   

To learn more about our plan and to participate in our community meetings, visit

This article was contributed by a member organization of the Greater Washington Board of Trade and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Board of Trade or its members.

Building an Inclusive Corporate Culture

A critical part of any organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) performance is how well it fosters a corporate culture that welcomes people of different backgrounds and perspectives. Watch this webinar to hear Jason Wright, President of the Washington Football Team, describe how he is championing an inclusive culture within his organization. Dr. Wayne Frederick, President of Howard University, contributes his thoughts on the needs of young people entering the workforce. The conversation was moderated by Bryan Hancock, Partner at McKinsey & Company.

• Bryan Hancock, Partner, McKinsey & Company

• Jason Wright, President, Washington Football Team
• Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, President, Howard University

Watch the recording

See the presentation from McKinsey & Company

Read the Summary

The business case for culture change

If your company is not diverse and inclusive, its performance is likely sub-optimal, according to Jason Wright. When advocating for change, Mr. Wright suggests reinforcing the business case because people will not always be motivated to do the right thing on purely moral grounds and the business case is solid.

As Mr. Wright put it, “Business performance is not sustainable if you don’t have the healthy culture to fuel it over time.” He explained that when he took the helm of Washington Football Team, the company was not headed toward greater profitability, despite the team’s dedicated fan base. They did not have the internal capabilities in place to bring the organization to the next level.

Employing the next generation

Dr. Frederick described the students on his campus. He said they tend to be aware of the systemic barriers that have held back people of color, women, and other marginalized groups from success in this country—but they are determined to succeed regardless. He says that as a community, we owe it to these young people to help dismantle those barriers.

One way the business community can help is to forge close partnerships with historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). HBCUs are a reliable pathway to the middle class for Black people. Mr. Wright pointed out that an HBCU degree is the most strongly correlated factor with Black people’s economic wellbeing.

How to lead culture change

Mr. Wright oversaw a 90% turnover on his executive team, which he says was driven by new expectations on supporting diversity and inclusion. The new executive team is one of the most diverse in the NFL and in sports.

Mr. Wright faced pushback and emotional reactions because change is hard, even if the organization was not performing optimally before. He overcame this resistance in three ways. First, he had frequent, open, and honest communication with staff, including weekly meetings where staff could ask questions and voice concerns. Second, he gave parts of the organization that were struggling with change more care, time, and attention. Lastly, he reinforced his long-term vision for the business, so that changes along the way had context and purpose.

Policies and procedures

Both Dr. Frederick and Mr. Wright established new policies in their organization and sometimes faced resistance. At Howard, Dr. Frederick required all hiring managers to undergo an unconscious bias training. Some initially believed that they did not need this training, but Dr. Frederick says that everyone who has done it says they learned about biases they did not know they had. He also requires that every round of finalists includes at least one woman.

Similarly, Mr. Wright mandates that hiring teams start with a diverse slate of candidates for any position (but he does not dictate who they hire). He defines diverse as representative of the community in which Washington Football Team is operating.

Mr. Wright also described the importance of skills-based hiring, which means prioritizing an applicant’s skills over their educational credentials or professional experience. He offered a compelling example: First time managers need to be able to think creatively and work well with other mangers and leaders. Many people of color develop these skills through community organizations, such as churches, when working on fundraising campaigns or other community projects. A hiring manager would miss out on that talent if they are too focused on college degrees or a degree from a prestigious school.

Mr. Wright also stressed the importance of offering a best-in-class benefits package, because things like a 401k match or good health insurance are very important to people of color who are dealing with legacy causes of the racial wealth gap.

Fighting your own hidden bias

Dr. Frederick and Mr. Wright both described ways in which our personal biases can unfairly influence who we hire, promote, or partner with. For example, Dr. Frederick described the common but dated practice of evaluating professionals based on how well they socialize at a cocktail party. This is biased in favor of certain cultures and personalities. Mr. Wright agreed and added that any time we evaluate a candidate or professional based on something that is not directly relevant to the job, we are doing a disservice to that individual and our own organizations.

Regional Policy Leadership Series: DMV Fiscal Leaders

The COVID-19 pandemic and federal stimulus bills have created a highly unusual set of conditions for state and local budgets. In this webinar, fiscal leaders from the District, Maryland, and Virginia explained how they are navigating these challenges and opportunities.

Peter Franchot, Comptroller, Maryland
Aubrey Layne, Secretary of Finance, Virginia
Fitzroy Lee, Interim CFO, District of Columbia

Watch the recording

Read the Summary

On managing the pandemic

  • Dr. Fitzroy Lee described the challenges of forecasting tax revenue in the early days of the pandemic. They relied on robust data collection and tracking indicators like foot traffic and unemployment claims to set expectations.
  • Dr. Lee also explained that the District’s reserves were in good shape following 2019, which was a great year for tax revenue, so they were able to balance their 2020 budget despite lower revenue.
  • Secretary Aubrey Layne of Virginia said that they responded to the pandemic by curtailing discretionary spending, but they made no cuts to core government services. They began seeing big hits to tax revenue collection in May and June of 2020. Since then, they have seen a steady recovery.
  • Secretary Layne said that tax revenue continued to recover because people were able to adapt to the new socially distanced context in certain industries, like government contracting. Other industries, like hospitality, did suffer, but the industries surrounding the federal government buoyed up the state budget.

On federal stimulus

  • Secretary Layne described how the federal stimulus buoyed up the Virginia state budget, not just by providing $26 billion directly, but also through $50 billion given to Virginian citizens and companies.  
  • Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot agreed that federal funding “absolutely saved the day.” He described it as a $60 billion “fire house” of cash.
  • However, Comptroller Franchot reminded the audience that low wage earners who represent the bottom third of earners are still suffering and have no income, no reserves, and no cash.     
  • Regarding the stimulus, Dr. Lee explained they are trying to use the funding for one-time investments and for recovery, not for programs that need a long-term and sustainable source of funds and would lead to a fiscal cliff.
  • On the American Jobs Plan and infrastructure spending, Secretary Layne says the challenge is in coordinating incoming federal money, which is also going to the state and local municipalities. Recipients also need to fight urge to get it all deployed as soon as it comes in, and said the money should be allocated to long-term, transformational programs.

On priorities moving forward

  • Secretary Layne mentioned that some businesses are having a tough time finding labor. Comptroller Franchot said there is a disconnect between many unemployed people and available jobs. He says there needs to be apprenticeship programs and other paths to the middle class.
  • Comptroller Franchot suggests that Hogan, Bowser, and Northam coordinate on broadband. He also says we need significant investments in cybersecurity in the infrastructure package and warned of startling amounts of fraud happening in government.

Creating Careers in the Community

This content is presented by Washington Gas

For generations, Washington Gas has been proud to serve as the DC-area’s hometown essential natural gas energy provider, employing many in the region with good jobs and steady careers. Today, we are committed to creating even more career opportunities in the energy industry through partnerships to prepare workers with the training and tools to be successful.   

Blue Jenkins, President of Washington Gas

Throughout our more than 170-year history, we have always believed in being a vital part of the communities we serve. An essential part of that commitment includes creating a pathway for people to join the local workforce to get to good-paying jobs to support their families. 

We know firsthand about the value of talented workers. Our mission as a company includes providing safe and reliable service as a top priority. To achieve this, the importance of qualified employees cannot be overstated to maintain and enhance a vast distribution infrastructure across Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia that serves more than 1.2 million customers. Our talented crews and contractors are vital to effectively managing our day to day operations.

Hear Blue Jenkins on WTOP

We believe that a key to our success in this work going forward will be our partnerships with organizations with deep roots in our communities who share our passion for cultivating a qualified workforce, especially during times of high unemployment.

Our programs are a great fit for those interested in competitive, entry level jobs in the growing energy space. Washington Gas’ range of support helps develop the core skillsets and credentials prospective employers expect from candidates, and includes financial investment, curriculum guidelines, training tools, career development and technical workshops, Over the last three years, we have invested about $2.5 million in these programs with additional funding opportunities for similar programs pending. 

Together, our partnerships are shaping the next generation of energy workers:

DC Infrastructure Academy (DCIA) – As infrastructure emerged as one of the fastest growing industries in the country, Mayor Muriel Bowser launched the DCIA in 2018, at the Department of Employment Services, to build the skillsets required for infrastructure jobs in Washington, D.C.  DCIA coordinates, trains, screens, and recruits District residents to position them for careers in infrastructure with leading companies in a high-demand field

Goodwill of Greater Washington – Launched in 2021, the Energy & Construction Career Training Program aims to address critical work shortages in the Virginia area, prepare a base of qualified workers, and increase access to employment in sustainable careers across the energy and construction industries.

Virginia Tech University (VA Tech) – In 2021, our partnership began as part of the Virginia Department of Education’s ‘17th career cluster’, the latest in a job training series supported by the Virginia General Assembly that covers a variety of fields for students. For this energy industry-focused cluster program, we joined with VA Tech DC Metro Area STEM Education and Workforce Development Labs to supply the tools for those interested in academic pursuits and/or jobs in energy and STEM, including training the teachers who mentor students.

We encourage residents to explore these opportunities. Through the power of collaborative partnerships, we will build the region’s workforce and economy to forge a brighter future.

For more information on Washington Gas’ Workforce Development commitment, visit

This article was contributed by a member organization of the Greater Washington Board of Trade and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Board of Trade or its members.

Hope For The Warriors’ Holistic Approach to Aiding Veterans and Their Families

Fifteen years ago, Robin Kelleher felt an urgency to help her best friend when her husband returned home after being wounded while serving in Iraq.

Even though Kelleher’s husband was a Marine who had been deployed several times, she had never personally experienced the ordeal, hardship, and heartbreak a wounded service member and their family must endure.

Robin Kelleher, President & CEO of Hope For The Warriors (right)

She could not sit idly by.

That friend, Shannon Maxwell, and Kelleher combined forces to help forge the future for Shannon’s husband, Tim, and countless other wounded military members. What began as the effort of two Marines’ wives soon became Hope For The Warriors, which has served more than 36,000 service members and their families over the past 15 years.

Kelleher and Maxwell originally were looking for ways to find post-combat bedside care and support for wounded Marines coming back to Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC.

The genesis of Hope For The Warriors was the realization that there was a gap in resources for every service member and military family in communities across the country. From that deficiency grew the belief that warriors can thrive with access to integrated services focused on individual and collective well-being.

Not only is the nonprofit providing these services to military members but to their family as well including spouses, children and caregivers. Hope For The Warriors recognizes that the entire military family serves and makes multiple sacrifices along the way. Spouses delay higher education due to many and unexpected moves, children can develop secondary PTSD from their warrior parent, and parents and spouses can become lifelong caregivers to their warriors due to injuries.

Today, Hope For The Warriors focuses on the six domains of well-being: physical wellness, emotional wellness, financial wellness, life roles, social support, and community connections. These six areas all intertwine in life; often if there are obstacles in one area, problems seep over into other areas.

For instance, a transitioning veteran reaches out for assistance with his/her rent perhaps because they are battling PTSD and have not been able to secure employment in the civilian world because it all feels overwhelming. A Hope For The Warriors social worker can help facilitate the immediate financial need through a stability grant. Next, the social worker can work to connect the veteran with mental health services to work through the PTSD. Finally, the social worker can introduce the veteran to the nonprofit’s Warrior’s Compass program, which melds veterans and military spouses to meaningful civilian careers through an exclusive job search platform and coaching.

“Paying a veteran’s rent one time isn’t going solve all of his or her problems. We are here to assist them with the root of the situation and get them on the path to independence again.”

Robin Kelleher, President & CEO of Hope For The Warriors

“We understand that a veteran didn’t wake up one day and realize his or her rent or mortgage was behind,” said Kelleher. “We know how one thing can lead to another and another until you feel like your world is falling a part around you. Paying a veteran’s rent one time isn’t going solve all of his or her problems. We are here to assist them with the root of the situation and get them on the path to independence again.”

Even before the pandemic, the organization believed in the power of virtual services working collaboratively with community services across the country. Hope For The Warriors has had robust virtual programming for more than a decade and continues to build upon in an increasingly virtual world allowing the organization to support more military families.

“We understand that no service member, veteran, or military family is just alike or are always based in cities with supportive communities,” said Kelleher. “We also know that military family’s needs are always changing due to the landscape of the military. Therefore, we’ll always be an ever-evolving organization, shifting to assist where the needs are.”

Karen Lee is Vice President of Strategic Communications for Hope For The Warriors.
Hear her on WTOP radio:

About Hope For The Warriors

Founded in 2006, Hope For The Warriors is a national nonprofit dedicated to restoring a sense of self, family, and hope for post-9/11 veterans, service members, and military families. Since its inception, Hope For The Warriors has served over 36,000 through a variety of support programs focused on clinical health and wellness, sports and recreation, and transition. Hope For The Warriors® has received a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for 10 consecutive years, an honor earned by only 3% of rated charities. For more information, visit, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

Support Hope For The Warriors by joining its Circle of Hope, making a recurring monthly contribution. For more information on Circle of Hope or to make a one-time donation, visit

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